About Grace Christian Private School

Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that we shall be able to welcome you in person at Grace Christian Private School.

Registered in 2006, Grace Christian Private School offers quality education from Grade R to Grade 12 and is fully accredited by Umalusi. With an enrollment of 575 learner Grace School not only offer quality education but we assist the child to grow in good morals, values and discipline, thereby “making Christ the centre of learning”.

We offer curriculum approved by the government and adhere to the regulations governing schools in South Africa.  Grace Christian School attempts to meet the great need for affordable, accessible, high quality education.

The school is not limited to residence of Siyabuswa only and as a result we have a high standard boarding facilities which our learners have described as their second home.  All learners from all walks of life, from all regions and provinces, countries and the world at large are most welcome to Grace Christian School.

We are excited that you have taken some time to look at our website and eventually visit us, not only visit but enroll with us for a life changing experience academically, socially and spiritually welcome!!